David S. Coburn is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Coburn Financial. David joined his father, Barry M. Coburn, and his grandfather, Robert B. Coburn, the founder of Coburn Financial, in 1984. David transitioned into the role of the President and CEO in 2013. Over the years, he has worked to build a distinguished and diverse team of management and registered investment advisers at Coburn Financial.
David is responsible for the business operations and directing the day-to-day management of our firm. David oversees our custodial relationships, administers firm payroll, and addresses any internal technical issues. He is the firm’s key point of contact for operational matters.
David enjoys spending time with his family which includes five children and one grandson. He is an active outdoorsman, often found either on or around a hockey rink. David currently lives in West Simsbury, CT with his wife, Emily.